Have you had a chance to check out the “All Things Seniors” Podcast by Rafiq Punjani. A while back, TONS was interviewed as a guest on this podcast and I’m pleased to share it with you here today! Here are the show notes and the link to the podcast:
Transportation for Seniors & Its Role in Purposeful Aging Podcast Link
Show notes & Information:
Did you know that driving is the primary mode of transportation for a large majority of Canadian adults including seniors ages 65 to 74? Almost 70% reported driving their own vehicles as their primary means of transportation. Thirty percent of seniors 85 years old and older also relied on driving as their main mode of transportation.
More than one in five seniors diagnosed with Alzheimer’s disease or dementia drove in the previous months and 17% reported driving as their main form of transportation. Continuing to drive even with mild visual or cognitive limitations does not always increase risk but driving with significant impairment is the problem.
The challenge is to ensure seniors who should no longer drive have access to affordable and appropriate alternatives to meet their transportation needs. Transportation is important for their independence, social engagement, and their overall health. However, driving has to be safe not just for them but for everyone else as well. Surely, this is a complex matter.
To help put things in perspective, we have with us Samantha Rodeck. Samantha is a community development consultant working with TONS (Transportation Options Network for Seniors). For the past several years, her work focused on community capacity building within the nonprofit sector, working specifically with community groups supporting older people.
Samantha educates, supports, and inspires individuals to live a positive fulfilling life and continues to work to give way to individuals who are often not heard.
On people who are no longer able to drive Transportation options available The role community resource coordinators play Role medical professionals have to ensure drivers stay safe on the road Age an older adult should stop driving Her thoughts on self-driving cars Her tips to make the whole process easier Her thoughts on technology companies providing another mode of transportation for people
Host’s email: Rafiq@SeniorsPodcast.com
Sponsor’s Link – Right at Home: www.RightAtHomeCanada.com/Winnipeg
All Things Senior’s Facebook: www.facebook.com/AllThingsSeniors