All across our beautiful Province, Older People are enjoying the many benefits that mobility scooters have to offer. Mobility Scooters allow for older people to stay engaged in their communities in a variety of ways (e.g., employment, recreation, volunteering, etc.), as well as access important services (e.g., health care, shopping, banking, etc.). Community mobility is essential for reducing the likelihood of social isolation which is a growing concern for many Older People in Manitoba.
As an organization we believe that it’s important to have a variety of transportation options that support one’s ability throughout their life. Although mobility scooters have been around for some time, we’ve come to learn that it’s still a relatively new concept for Older People. Whether you’re a current scooter user or starting to think about making the purchase, we’ve put together a list of helpful information to support you.
- By law, mobility scooters are required to be operated on the sidewalk and if no sidewalks are available, you must travel on the road facing traffic like you would as a pedestrian. You are then required to go back onto the sidewalk when it’s safe to do so. By facing the traffic, it increases your safety by being more visible to the vehicles on the road.
- Mobility scooters come in all shapes and sizes, so before you make the decision to purchase one it’s important to consider what you will be using your scooter for as some may be comfortable for indoor use while others may be ideal for outdoor travel. It would be best to compare the three wheeled models with the four wheeled models that are available on the market.
- Mobility scooters should never replace the use of an electric wheelchair. Although both fall under the category of mobility aids, mobility scooters do require users to have more mobility and physical strength to safely operate the scooter. Scooters can give users a false sense of stability when in reality, scooters will not provide the upper body with the same support that a prescribed electric wheelchair provides.
- Mobility scooters must be stored in a warm, dry place and must be inspected and maintained on a regular basis.
- The max speed for outdoor scooters is 10km/hr in Manitoba
- It’s important to be visible! Wear reflective gear and add things like flags, mirrors, good quality head lights and a loud horn to ensure that others will see and hear you.
- Keep some form of ID or a cell phone on you at all times as a safety precaution and ensure someone knows where you are at all times
- Be aware of uneven sides and road crossings
For more information on Mobility Scooters or Scooter Safety presentations or a mobility scooter hand out, please email us at: