Our Mission
To inform and educate Manitobans on transportation options that enhance quality of life and promote age friendly communities.
Several years ago, a wide-range of community stakeholders concerned about the inadequacies of transportation options for older adults came together to form the Transportation Options Network for Seniors (TONS). Through the development of partnerships that facilitate information-sharing and awareness-building, the goal of TONS is to promote mobility resources that are affordable and adequate for the needs of older Manitobans.
TONS is a volunteer driven network that focuses on three main areas:
1. Community Outreach
- Objectives within this area focus on developing and enhancing relationships with current transportation providers in the public and private sector as well as distributing the research results and recommendations.
2. Education / Awareness
- Objectives within this area focus on increasing the awareness of public and private transportation options as well as providing current and relevant information via our website and newsletter.
3. Rural transportation
- Objectives within this area include the development of a stakeholder network, the creation of a comprehensive inventory of mobility resources and the integration and coordination of transportation services (including Handi-Van) in rural Manitoba.
Future work of TONS will include:
- Establishing community and stakeholder networks to facilitate information sharing and collaboration, and
- Gaining greater information and insight concerning the experiences of seniors when transitioning from driving.